Executive Summary & Business Plan

Executive Summary & Business Plan

Executive Summary & Business Plan

New 7pm GMT - Saturday 7th May 2011, exactly a month after the original “Spartan Theory” was sent to Harvard Business School.
Our objective: Create the most profitable company in the world (SIENNA) but redistribute profit to: Global Economic Stability, Scientific Ecological research and the popularization of non oil fueled vehicles

First we join with Google and FaceBook and create the next evolution in E-Commerce and entertainment: S-World
Then we approach AMEX CENTURIAN and VIRGIN HOLIDAYS offering 16 new global travel franchises (Distributed evenly across the Globe) exclusive to S-World. We further offer to connect their banks to S-Word and the financial software we wish created by Microsoft and or Apple

We offer FIFA, UFC and others global league franchises to further popularize these 16 locations and make our project mass publicized on TV. Further PR comes from giving 4 press agencies a free pass to the BIG 16 where others would be worth  $500B and make some feature films.

We offer Greece $50B, housing for =/-5M citizens and to take care of their criminals. In exchange for rezoning Laconia in Southern Greece and along us to build a SIENNA Republic, Still Greece but a republic with its own legislation and internal Tax laws. We will call this republic “New Sparta”

The 16 territories each have a +/- 16 x1 miles of territory. This territory Gets perfectly 3D Rendered in S-World and sold off plan. It is hoped Greece will allow each territory to pay respect to their current laws. Example one will not be able to drink alcohol within their province. I personally will be pushing hard to make alcohol and cigarettes illegal trough at least half of “New Sparta”

My real ambition for new Sparta is to unite the faiths, or at least let everyone know that when we pray we have a common spiritual connection to what we call God and really a Muslim and a Christian that preys, have a closer spiritual bond that a Christian that does believe that who does not. For a recently adopted believer I find it very difficult to relate to non believers as they seem somewhat mistrusting of the world.

Hence “New Sparta” will be tribute to all religions gods and profits which is why Greece was chosen, because its roots were BC.
The 1M houses built to house 5M Greek previously disadvantaged Citizens will come from property development deals and won’t cost a thing.

This said, Infrastructure, schools, Amphitheater’s and statues to the Gods will, as will our offer to house Greece’s and maybe other countries criminals. I will give a little more detail

Prisoners will be considered psychologically damaged our approach to cure not alienate, Bullies will be sent back to the Greek jails but repentant prisoners will be educated, intensely physiologically examined and given the opportunity to work on the building sites. They will receive their wages when they are released.

So how much will this cost, i’m not sure, someone will have to advise but what I can tell you is where the money will come from.


Well already we have exclusivity to the new internet, Global franchises, Land in New Sparta and the association with a non profit economic project.

So it makes sense to make consortiums and make them bid for the franchises.

Some will get a free pass… and instead of paying to bid, rather raise money by public appeals of personal generosity

  1. GOOGLE/FaceBook/Twitter of course J

  2. PR department: CNN, SKY, Al Jazeera, HJK Films, Universal and Lucas Film are currently proposed

  3. Global Royal Families.

Other companies will be allowed to get a fixed price entry fee, for getting in early and putting a value to a slot.

The current plan is within the Oil industry. A consortium of 4 will be made, but 2 early offers are put top BP and Shell
WHY BP,  Arrrrrrr …. Well it’s simple.

BP are going down, they are the most venerable Oil company, plus it was an accident, maybe careless and stupid but still, an accident and if its not on purpose in time one should consider forgiveness.

But more to the point there is a simple offer that will work immediately.

If BP donates $4B a year for 16 years to ecology, example: building the wind farms and solar panels to power “New Sparta”
But they only have to do so, if their share price goes up, and they make over $8B in profit, they will be advised to move their base of operations to “New “Sparta” to take advantage our taxes that could be free, if we feel internal investment is better than corporation tax.

Also if BP were to be the first to promise such a sum, the connection of helping this project to become reality will make them heralded as saints, and that’s what one would call, good branding.


Well if they don’t quickly promise to stop their plans to poison the Karoo in South Africa, they will be excluded from the bid, and maybe even to make an example, we will make sanctions collective short sell their shares, and ask the public to do the same, then buy up the shares and own half the company and stop their nasty little operation that way.

Ok so we have established that it is very much in BP and Shells interest to “Pledge” and I say pledge because if you remember they only pay if they make profit, but we will make sure they make profit so it should be considered money in the bank so that is $128B for an early buy in to half of one consortium, the other half in an open auction will cost far more the price from the oil industry consortium alone could raise $500B

Another consortium will come from the automobile industry. Within “New Sparta” and other SIENNA Republics, cars that use fuel will not be allowed. If we are housing 5 million people, it’s reasonable to assume when built “New Sparta’s” will have 20 Million people or so living there. Most of them will want cars. An initial order for 20 Million non fuel cars will be very tempting to manufacturers.

And after this there are still another 11 places and the simple math including the appeals makes $8T, more than enough to build New Sparta, bail out, Ireland, Portugal and Spain and help out all over the Globe.

It will also I hope unite the world in spirituality, even for the non believers. As a genuine argument to make String Theory considered Science not theory is offered by the following.  What is considered a possible validation of String Theory? “You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion, things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired. Thus, shaping if not predicting the future”. I suggest “The Spartan Theory” is exactly what that statement suggests”

To maximize bidding, a spectacular 24 hours TV spectacular will be planned, between the Hours of “Saturday 3pm GMT and Sunday 3pm GMT as this is the optimum time for USA viewing and its works well for Europe as well. It would be more effective if the announcements of Economic bailouts, Global Leagues, ecological investment etc were kept as secret as possible from the public until the day of the auction.

You will notice that I have cheekily suggested that alongside “String Theory” “The Spartan Theory” be considered a contender for “The Theory of Every Thing” well until last week when I consulted Wikipedia on “String Theory” In had never heard of the term, but it is interesting, I I would like to consider that whilst “The Spartan Theory” is not the “Theory of Everything” it should be consider “the theory of, a little bit more than we know now” from an economic perspective at least.